Yuh. Here, in tiny town Texas Panhandle people won't get vaccinated because the vaccines naturally have microchips (the real reason behind the push for vaccines) and the microchips, even more naturally, have upon them the Mark of the Beast. Furthermore, the pandemic is fake. Everyone who has gotten tested is actually being GIVEN Covid already on the nasal swab.
The media, print and tv, have focused on all the wrong things (ivermectin was never ever intended as a treatment for Covid. It is intended as a prophylactic sharing the long term effects of Covid. It works my stipping the replication of the virus on a cellular level not by eradicating the virus itself - don't make me cite the studies please, but I will is necessary).
People are gullible idiots, woefully undereducated, and highly susceptible to propaganda.
It's why I prefer goats.